4 Ways to Look and Feel Younger

Aging is an inevitable process that slowly takes our energy, youthful glow, mental acuity, and physical mobility. Many of us would jump at the chance to feel a little better or look a little younger. There are a myriad of treatments–some that have been around for millennia, that can help slow the visible signs and symptoms of aging.

Through a wide variety of available treatments, a rejuvenating medical spa experience can go a long way in helping you look and feel your best. Let’s take a look at five options for living your best life.

1. Use Radiofrequency Treatments to Fight Wrinkles

The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is one of the most significant tell-tale signs of getting older. With TempSure® treatments performed in a medical spa, a trained doctor can use a radiofrequency laser to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while tightening skin for a younger looking appearance.

Laser treatments are gentle and well-tolerated by many. And, this non-invasive treatment is quick–fitting into a standard lunch break to allow you to return to the office with minimal disruption to your daily life. And while this treatment sounds as though it is only making a minor adjustment, in reality the small details go a long way in having you looking and feeling your best.

2. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Recover some of the energy that you’ve lost with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Hormones are naturally produced in the body. However, with age, production slows leaving you feeling a little more sluggish. A bioidentical hormone treatment is a derivative of hormones produced within the body. These treatments are used to supplement the dwindling levels of natural hormone production to stimulate your brain, increase sex drive, relieve depression, and support healthy bones, along with increased energy. And although it is technically not part of the medical spa treatment, hormone replacement does go hand-in-hand with many of those procedures, as it will help you feel rejuvenated, which will contribute to your body looking its best.

3. Microneedling Anti-Aging Treatments

Collagen is the main structural protein in connective tissues like skin. As we age, collagen production slows down leaving skin a little less firm. Microneedling is an aesthetic procedure performed in a medical spa environment. The treatment involves puncturing the skin surface with tiny needles, creating hundreds of micro punctures to stimulate collagen production, leaving a firming skin appearance. The process also helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, for a more refreshed overall appearance.

4. B12 Energy-Boost Injections

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients in the body–and it’s one that many aging adults have difficulty absorbing. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in brain function, red blood cell production, and DNA replication. The trouble is, brain fog and anemia, two of the conditions that can occur with a B12 deficiency are often discounted as ailments of aging. A vitamin B12 injection can help many deficient adults feel more energized, healthy, and youthful. Much like the hormone replacement therapy, B12 injections do not fall directly under the medical spa, but should be seen as supplementary. When taken in conjunction with treatment, they will go a long way in helping you be at your best.